Steal Like an Artist
~ Austin Kleon
This book is the first of his 3 books that help you be creative and show off your creative work to the world. One way is to steal like an artist.
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3 Interesting Things About Steal Like An Artist
- One of the first points he makes in the book is that nothing is original, that every idea you have has already been thought of before you just might not know the creator
- Austin talks about impostor syndrome, and the best way to get over it is just working and sharing your work. Fake it till you make it method.
- Leave Home. Leaving the area you are familiar with to one where people do things differently will help you become more creative and make your brain work harder.
3 Favorite Quotes From Steal Like An Artist
- We learn to write by copying down the alphabet. Musicians learn to play by practicing scales. Painters learn to paint by reproducing masterpieces.
- Draw the art you want to see, start the business you want to run, play the music you want to hear, write the books you want to read, build the products you want to use-do the work you want to see done.
- Nothing is more paralyzing than the idea of limitless possibilities. The idea that you can do anything is absolutely terrifying.
I really love how Austin explains that nothing is new or original. We are raised to believe that any work you do needs to be original and creative. But all creative work has been stolen from someone before them. Even if you don’t know where the idea came from it still had an originator before you.
We all learn from copying others. He talks about hanging pictures of your favorite artists on your wall. Use them as inspiration. If these people collaborated on a project, what would it look like? Do that work!
This fantastic short book influences you to get out of your comfort zone and start making stuff with your hands. It really helps you overcome the hurdle of putting yourself out there. Highly recommend! As with his other books as well.
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