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DISC: The Four Big Personality Styles

Behavioral Economics

DISC is a type of personality test which is used by many businesses to help others find the best way to communicate and motivate each other to accomplish their goals. These are four different personality styles:

Dominance Style

The first DISC style is D which stands for Dominance.

This personality style is very competitive and has a focus on defeating the opposition and getting results. Motivated by competition and success. They are driven and determined and love accepting challenges. D styles also tend to be outgoing and not afraid to speak up.

The Dominance style tends to have goals that lean towards unique accomplishments and new opportunities. They are challenged with showing patience, explaining detail, and disagreement. In a leadership position a D style is commanding and strong, but also can be imposing.

D style people are extroverted and task-oriented.

Strengths are in problem solving and challenges. But they struggle with anger and tend to be impatient.

An easy way to remember this DISC style is to think of the song “Taking Care of Business” by Bachman Turner Overdrive.

Influence Style

The next DISC style is I which stands for Influence.

This personality style is focused on shaping their environment through influencing others. Motivated by group activities, relationships, and people. Prioritizes collaboration with others, being enthusiastic, and being the life of the party. Ensures everyone is having a good time.

The Influence style tends to have goals that lead to friendships and happiness, seeks approval of others, and achieves goals with flair. They are challenged with getting organized, resisting impulses, researching facts, and staying focused. In a leadership position an I style takes new ideas and runs with them, very energized and affirming, but sometimes can be erratic.

I style people are extroverted like the D style, but people-oriented instead of task-oriented.

Strengths include making contacts and connecting with people. Also, very conceptual, animated, and fast. But they struggle with optimism and are concerned about what others think.

For I style people think of the song “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” by Cyndi Lauper.

Steadiness Style

The next DISC style is S which stands for Steadiness.

This personality type is focused on cooperating with others and making sure everyone is getting along. Known as the peacekeepers with their motivation in helping others, prioritizing collaboration, and maintaining stability. The glue that keeps the team together. Very deliberate, predictable, and consistent.

The Steadiness style tends to have goals that strive for team accomplishments, stability, and maintaining the status quo. They are challenged with unexpected or quick change, multitasking, and overcoming indecisiveness. In a leadership position, the S style likes collaboration to reach win-win solutions but struggles with being taken advantage of.

S style people are introverted and people-oriented.

Strengths include pacing themselves, and consistency. Know just how far they can push themselves. They tend to struggle with their emotions as it can seem like they have no emotion.

For S style people a good song to remember them by is “Peaceful Easy Feeling” by Eagles.

Conscientious Style

Lastly, we have the C style which stands for Compliance or Conscientiousness.

This personality type is focused on ensuring quality and accuracy in their work. Known as the analyst of the styles they are motivated by opportunities to gain knowledge, show their skills, and produce quality work. Ensures accuracy and always challenges assumptions. Careful not to jump to conclusions and very analytical.

The Compliance style sticks to goals with an objective process, being accurate and correct, and attaining knowledge and personal growth. They are challenged when trying not to be overly critical or over-analyzing themselves. Require more energy to let go of tasks, make quick decisions, join in social events and celebrations. In a leadership position, the C style is disciplined, diligent, and produces high-quality outcomes through careful analysis. But they can also be too risk-averse and downplay the human element.

C style people are Introverted like S style but are task-oriented like the D style.

Strengths include following procedures and analyzing information. Tend to struggle with fear of being wrong. 

One song you can use to remember this style is “Don’t Tell Me No Lies” by The Golliwogs.

These DISC styles are great to understand how people show up. Meaning, when they show up to work are they introverted or extroverted, people or task-oriented. If you are looking for why people show up read the article about The 7 Motivators.

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