“There are no solutions, there are only trade-offs; and you try to get the best trade-off you can get, that’s all you can hope for.” 

– Thomas Sowell

We live in a world of constantly changing chaos and uncertainty. If there is one thing that will forever remain constant it is that incentives drive our actions.

Learning how and why we behave is crucial for growth and development! Our actions can be understood by looking at our personalities and the incentive structures in place. My goal is to uncover these hidden incentive structures to comprehend how the world works.

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Understand Incentives to Improve your Life

Learning to Rationally Move Through a Socially Complex World

Checkout My Favorite Topics:

Public Choice

Game Theory


Behavioral Economics Explains How and Why You Show Up to Conquer Each Day!

Our personalities are a big factor in how we react to situations. Your DISC Style and Motivators help understand what it means to be introverted or extroverted, people-oriented or work-oriented, and what your motivators mean to you.

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Inspiring Books

Reviews, Insights, and Thoughts

Gain a new perspective on life by reading some of my favorite books. Everything from Self-help to Finacial Freedom to Politics.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.”

– George R.R. Martin


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My Projects

Check out some of the projects that I am working on

There is something about designing, creating, and building projects with your own hands that is very rewarding.

A world which sees art and engineering as divided is not seeing the world as a whole.”

— Professor Sir Edmund Happold

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